Saturday, 24 September 2011

Facebook and the truth about what happens and why it happens

1.      One of the first and most serious of Facebooks crimes against users is the exploitation of your personal information a topic we will be looking at on this page.
2.      Another crime is the deception and trickery being caused either by Facebooks reporting system or even worse directly enacted by Facebook officials themselves. An issue where in some cases if proven then most certainly will result the exposure of some of the most serious crimes of espionage against Anglo nations in our written history and directly could be the attributing cause of London’s Tottenham riots being so large.
3.      Facebook is also guilty of business fraud as the lie about user numbers and server space. Many corporate customers are paying facebook thinking that facebook has x amount of users and will not be running out of server storage space, however to avoid the cost associated with buying the hardware to expand they just choose to target groups and users through their cleaning system to free up space but in this case all they do is disable not delete accounts making old users rejoin as new users the result is that the numbers of real face book users is really very small when you deduct the number of disabled profiles from the amount of users facebook claim to have. Basically Facebook are faking their user numbers. There is a great deal more to expose about facebook so please read on and participate, and lets get the BASTARDS honest.  

1 comment:

  1. You are complaining about something that is free? How bizarre!

    Great to see how much attention this and your Anti Bogan Support group has - ZERO!

    But it is good for a laugh
